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Bob Forehead Lives!

Co. to Advertise on Neb. Man's Forehead

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- A Web-page designer who auctioned off the use of his forehead for advertising space is letting it go to his head.

Yes, you read that right.  But once again, my favourite newspaper got to this story first--a year ago.

Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha, who put his forehead for sale on eBay as advertising space, received $37,375 on Friday to advertise the snoring remedy, SnoreStop.

"Weird stuff on eBay" is a new media favorite on a slow news day -- the "man bites dog" story of our time.

            Fischer will display the SnoreStop logo on his forehead for one month.

Duck and cover, here comes a new trend.  Soon everyone will be trying to cash in.  You'll have to fight with your local school board to keep McDonald's from leasing space on your child's noggin.  Isn't there a kids cable channel by that name?  Hide this post from their corporate owner.

"I look forward to an enjoyable association with Andrew - a man who clearly has a head for business in every sense of the word," SnoreStop CEO Christian de Rivel said.

Hilarious.  Head for business.  OK, it's a good quote.   

"People will always comment on something out of the ordinary," Fischer said in his sales pitch. "People like weird."

Do people like you Andrew?  How many people are going to see this ad anyway?  Do you have any friends at all

But there were limits: He refused from the outset to be the conduit for any message or product deemed tasteless or unacceptable in traditional advertising formats.

So beer would be OK, (and presumably next) maybe guns, but not the Playboy channel?  I fear this standard of decency won't hold.  Watch for "giving headspace" to be the next big thing on campus.

January 25, 2025 | Permalink


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