This enjoyable glimpse of backstage politics in today's Times is about the pressure on the three-woman editorial board of the Des Moines Register to endorse a Democratic candidate for President. I particularly liked the part where they quoted a Clinton campaign official, after their first get-together with Hillary became what sounded like a tough Q & A the Clinton campaign wasn't ready for:
“I think they thought it was going to be a more chatty meet-and-greet kind of event than it was,” Ms. Washburn said. “Her staff called and said: ‘That was a pretty intense conversation. Maybe you didn’t get to see her lighter side. Would you like to do that again?’ ”
The Register endorsement helped John Edwards last time and it could seal the deal for Hillary or open the door wider for Barack this time. I hope they decide not to "dismiss any notion that gender will influence their decision." It's influencing mine--one of the reasons I support Hillary is because I do think it's time there was a woman president. Why shouldn't that be evaluated as part of her appeal to voters?
The article concludes:
The campaigns intend to deploy young aides to the printing presses at the edge of town on Saturday night, looking for an early copy even before the endorsement appears on the paper’s Web site.
We'll see who gets the story first...Tune in tonight.
Update 8:30 PM
Still no word...but check this out, the Register is promising the first word to people who send them text messages!
It's Clinton. Argument in a nutshell:
Indeed, Obama, her chief rival, inspired our imaginations. But it was Clinton who inspired our confidence. Each time we met, she impressed us with her knowledge and her competence.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Hillary is a lot warmer, more charismatic and appealing than her opponents want us to believe. Watch this interview with Iowa TV and listen to her rhapsodize about being a baseball fan. She's a genuine, authentic human being. And she's going to be the next President.
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