It's what Gertrude Stein said about Oakland (and according to the link you just clicked on, not necessarily in the context we've all thought she meant) and it describes the kerfuffle over what Hillary Clinton said about Robert Kennedy. There's no center, no substance to the indignation now overflowing on cable news.
Her actual words were:
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."
Quote unquote. C'est tout. No big deal, right?
The comment was made after she repeated her frequently cited rationale that her husband didn't beat back his challenge from Jerry Brown until June. (And according to Time, she's even mentioned the RFK assassination before too.) But I don't believe she was saying, as Tony Blankely said vacantly tonight, that her opponent might be dead before the convention. Do you?
I think, to quote Barack Obama (and Tom DeLay) she was "inartful" as she emphasized that in election seasons past, stuff happens in June. I am a huge Bobby Kennedy fan, and have written about how Hillary Clinton compares to RFK, and I think she's made of better stuff. (But I'm one of the 6% of New York Jews who voted for Jesse Jackson in the 1988 primary, so what do I know?) Let's drop this Hillary business and go back to finding stupid things preachers say.
Finally,what's up with McCain's V.P. audition at his ranch this weekend? Now it's up to 6 potential running mates coming for barbecue. I suspect the guests will just be picking at their food.
Maybe he's told them they'll all be part of his Cabinet if he doesn't end up picking them for the ticket. Or maybe he's already ruled them out, and is doing this to help them save face. Hope someone records it for youtube.