PoliticalWire has this tantalizing story today. Can a deal really be in the works? Will Howard Dean finally show some backbone?
Reprinted here in full:
The Las Vegas Review Journal runs a brief Q&A with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) about settling on a Democratic nominee for president.
Q: Do you still think the Democratic race can be resolved before the convention?
Reid: Easy.
Q: How is that?
Reid: It will be done.
Q: It just will?
Reid: Yep.
Q: Magically?
Reid: No, it will be done. I had a conversation with Governor Dean (Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean) today. Things are being done.
Don't you just love it? "Things are being done." Ooooo, scary.
Count Floyd rules!!
Really, though, sniper fire is what's scary. And sitting on your bulletproof vest.
Clinton/Sinbad '08 "Do we eat here or at the next place?"
Posted by: Bill | Thursday, 27 March 2024 at 09:09 AM