As I'm not shy about admitting, I'm often wrong about my political predictions. (Kerry/Cleland? Mayor Mark Green? Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend?) but I've been saying for months that John McCain would be the Republican nominee. I never took Rudy Guiliani's candidacy seriously and apparently, neither did he. Mitt Romney was undermined by all the people who googled "Mormon underwear." John McCain was always the only Republican who stood for something. I was not surprised when his campaign's reckless spending was revealed, as I I often note how consultants (like me) are harming democracy. It's not the cost of campaigns that's out of control, it's the mark-up. According to this article in the Washington Post, Romney was set back by that familiar political phenomenon, squabbling consultants.
Once McCain found a way to scrape by without expensive consultants, he basically moved to New Hampshire and reminded voters why liked him in the first place. I've always felt that McCain would be toughest to beat, because Democrats find him tolerable and Independents think he's cool. This longtime Hillary fan admits to speculating if Obama's appeal to Independents would trump McCain's clear advantage on "experience." And would Hillary be true to her word and run a very respectful campaign against her "friend" John McCain? If that happens, look to the 527s to do McCain's dirty work against the Democrat, which should begin any minute. Memo to liberal 527's: start working on those "Keating 5" spots now, please.
Well, I guess you needed to be right about something. If your ready to see the next President, I might have an extra ticket to the TC Williams Town Hall tomorrow. Have your people call me, I'm my own people! Wrong or not, we do love ya!!
Posted by: dcBill | Saturday, 09 February 2024 at 09:35 AM
Doh!! That's "if you're ready." Pet peeve of mine and I did it myself. Double doh!!
Posted by: dcBill | Saturday, 09 February 2024 at 09:36 AM
Since I'm apparently the only one in the mood to comment, I thought I'd drop this one: Obama unites the two camps by picking Wes Clark for VP. Brilliant, eh?
Posted by: dcBill | Sunday, 10 February 2024 at 09:05 AM