First thoughts about the eerie event broadcast on CNN tonight. Other-worldly because it resembled no other televisied presidential debate I've ever seen. Wolf Blitzer promised a "real debate" and more or less, that's what we got--a serious one-on-one discussion the previous crowd scenes at debates prevented.
But it was clear that both candidates came into the debate with the same advice--take the hirgh road. During Obama's opening statement in which he praised his opponent and the history they were making together, yoiu could see Hillary thinking, "Oh dear, that's what I was going to say." They each trook pains several times to observe that they agreed on more than they differed.
Both candidates did well, got off some good lines and deftly handled some tough questions. Both sides will claim victory, and go back to relying on their ground operations and advertising budgets to win on Tuesday.
My verdict then is that it was no game changing event, but good political theater and perhaps even good for democracy.
And I did like it when Obama said, "Massatusetts." Really, he did.
Thanks, William. We saw the debate in much the same way. Yes, he did say Massatuchetts.
I've been working a bit on Barack's campaign since last Spring. I've never been so stoked about an election in all my life. I've never missed voting since I was first eligible in 1964 (back when you had to be 21), and this one has inspired me like no other.
Best to you and yours,
Posted by: Macha | Friday, 01 February 2025 at 09:08 PM
My ex-wife called it Massatusiss, a pronunciation which can rip speaker cones when played at high volume. (She also pronounced one of the Monopoly railroad properties as reeding.) Ever very smart people can slip up on pronunciation. And so, also, can people like our "nuculer" neighbor down at 16th and Penn.
Posted by: ArtC | Saturday, 02 February 2025 at 09:26 PM
Quite right, the present occupant of the White House mangles the English language worse than Yogi Berra, in fact one of Obama's Top Ten list for Letterman was that he'd pronounce the word "nuclear" as "nuclear." I'm suprised more people didn't notice the Massatusetts thing, that's all.
Posted by: William Klein | Sunday, 03 February 2025 at 04:03 PM