Now, given the fact that I"m always wrong, how can I resist weighing in on the biggest political story of the year?
As a hopeless consumer of the Clinton conventional wisdom, I'm still hoping that she can pull out a victory in California, but according to the numbers the race is "hotter than the Devil's anvil, " as the greatly missed Dan Rather would say. If Clinton wins California, and maybe "Massatusets" as Obama likes to call it, giving Obama Georgi, it might all come to down to my natal state, New Jersey, where for the first time in decades news reports won't be about Bruce Springsteen or Tony Soprano.
But watch the networks finally catch on to the delgate hunt versus primary winner story, and temper every "She won New York" report with "But Obama won delegates in key districts." If by the end of the evening, Clinton leads Obama by only 150-200 delegates--or less--than we'll all pick up and look towards Maryland, Virginia, Ohio and Texas. If it's closer, all those dreamers with their dreamy dreams every four years of a brokered convention can start thinking about Al Gore again...I learned my lesson years ago, having actually come to Washington to work on the "draft Humphrey" campaign (yes there was one) in 1976 and owning a "Draft Muskie" button from the 1980 convention.
Watch this space for updates later.
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