As I opined in the Christian Science Monitor back in January, I think partisanship and what Barack Obama calls "textbook" politics happens to be the way to beat devious, big spending Republicans.
Politico's Ben Smith blogs today in praise of Obama's critique of last night's debate, quoting him thusly:
She was taking every opportunity to, you know, get a dig in there.... That’s all right, that’s her right, that’s her right to kind of twist the knife a little bit....
Look, I understand though, because that’s the textbook Washington campaign, because that’s the politics that’s been taught to be played, that’s the lesson that she had heard when the Republicans were doing the same things to her back in the 1990s.
Does Barack (or more importantly, David Axelrod) really believe that the Republicans won't do the same thing to him in 2008? Or to any Democrat in '12, '16 and beyond? That is what Republicans do. Will Obama be able to just swat away their lies and distortions the way he's dismissing Hillary's jabs? (Warning--previous link is to a memo by Mark Penn!) Will the politics of hope trump the politics of Rove? I'm not so sure...