Rahm Emanuel said that. Frank Rich says it today too. Howard Dean said it on Meet the Press. I've been saying it since January 2007.
The only way Democrats can lose in November is if whoever doesn't get nominated fails to immediately and enthusiastically endorse the winner. The question to pose now to Hillary and Obama is, "if you lose, will you campaign just as hard as you would if you had won?"
If the Democrats decide to nominate Hillary, only Obama can keep his most enthusiastic supporters from staying home or (less likely) voting for McCain. If Barack is the nominee, both Clintons will be needed to turn out their base.
A diffident endorsement like, say, Eugene McCarthy's when he lost to Hubert Humphrey, will set back the Democratic Party from the march back to political dominance it began in 2006. It's going to take swallowing a lot of pride and eating a lot of crow--but it's the only recipe for success.