Hello again, or good evening. The New York Times has the story I've been waiting for on the Don Imus affair. The clip of Imus' remarks show the culpability of Imus' producer Bernie McGuirk, who egged the I-man on to unsuspected depth, and not in the C. K. Dexter Haven sense of the word. I used to enjoy listen to Don Imus when he was just another coke-addled New York DJ, on AM radio the summer I had a job taking water samples from swim clubs and apartment buildings in New Jersey. "And here's a song I wrote," Imus would invariably say as he introduced the latest mindless hit single.I was amazed he came back as a gatekeeper into popular culture for fuddy duddy politicians and reporters. The man is a survivor.
So the news today that CBS Radio has fired Imus leaves me wondering just how this story will play out over time. Can anyone not look at Don Imus and say, "perfect for satellite radio?" I predict that after he makes the obligatory mea culpa media tour, he emerges with a new deal. But of course, I've been wrong so many times before...