Ah, such a good question. Who's to say really? What can we mortals say with any certainty?
Oh, what Super Tuesday means. Ah, such a good question...
I found most of the answers in the most essential political site I visit, PoliticalWire.com. Although I was worried for a day or two about my natal state, New Jersey came in for Clinton and she won what I and everyone else said was the big enchilada, Kahleefourneeuh, as it's now pronounced. the conventional wisdom was right. Every one expected a virtual tie among delegates and now it's a long hard slog through the rest of the primaries, maybe even to the convention, where dreamers and pundits on TV always speculate about the return of the legendary "open" or "brokered" convention.
Who will be the first talking head to spin this scenario, which will include a story about how after a primary season spend tearing each other down, the Party would look for a healer, a peacemaker, a candidate who could unite them all...don't grow back that beard just yet, Mr. Gore!