Once again, I'm pushing nostalgia for Joe Jackson as well as a recommendation that we all spent a little more time reading good newspapers on Sunday morning (sorry, Cincinnati, you can read the Times and the Post online) as well as good political blogs like PoliticalWire and The Huffington Post. Here's what's caught my eye today, starting with this story about one of the many politicians I've wrongly thought were winners, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. I agree with her remarkably candid remarks about what went wrong with the Clinton campaign, although ultimately, I think (and I called this wrong, too) Mark Penn was a bigger negative than Bill Clinton.
A welcome diversion from the political news in the New York Times is this lovely piece of writing about what many believe to be, as Jim Jarmusch calls it, "the greatest radio station on the planet," WFMU. The great Vin Scelsa helped create the station when it was Upsala College, just a few miles from my home in Weird New Jersey. And speaking of the Garden State, Yo La Tengo does an annual fundraiser there, my friend Jed Distler has been on their air, and when he and I were in junior high Jed and I volunteered to help at their phone-a-thon and real live hippies were all around us talking about scary drugs.
I was going to close with another wry observation about the campaign but I've just started to listen to Bob Edwards' interview with Pete Seeger. The documentary about him is about to be aired on PBS (and presumably, then offered for sale on DVD) and I recently had the privilege of spending a morning with Seeger interviewing him for a different documentary project. I asked him if he had gotten cynical or disillusioned and he said no, it's the little things that people do every day that give him hope. Forget what I said above. Put away the papers and listen to this interview, watch the documentary and remember what it means to be a truly great artist.
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