The Washington Post among others, prints the wrong-headed speculation today that John McCain's first national campaign ad, calling him "The American President America Has Been Waiting For" is somehow a dig against Barack You-Know-Who Obama.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Let me tell you a little secret we political propagandists know. The use of unifying national symbols appeals to voters, and words like "America" or "American" are (nearly) always a worthwhile component of effective slogans.
McCain's ad vindicates another early opinion I had of him, when I first saw the old newsreel footage of the young POW McCain. It's powerful stuff, and I knew we'd be seeing more of it in McCain's commercials. That is, when he's not comparing himself to Churchill and Teddy Roosevelt...
See the new ad for yourself.
And I'll ask again, where are the attack commercials reminding voters of the Keating Five?
And now for something completely different...