Dumb DeLay Dum*Updated*
This one I got right. Today's indictment of TomDeLay was foretold in this space back in April. We may not be able to stop the war, but at least an organized and determined opposition managed to get the House to take back their corrupt rule which would have allowed Tom DeLay to keep his post after indictment.
Originally posted 4/10/05 More distractions than usual and melted computers keep me from dissecting a lengthy news article today, but here's the truth about Tom DeLay: He's just not that smart. If you go back and study his role in the abortive coup (before the successful coup) against Speaker Newt Gingrich, you'll see how the former flyswatter from Sugar Land just got caught in the middle and didn't know what to do. He got a good rep with this colleagues for bringing in Texas barbecue on Thursday nights. Who can resist the power of good barbecue? Why it's enough to make a yellow dog turn red.
Of course, being dumb is no impediment to success in politics, as we all know. Does anyone but me remember watching the 1988 primary debate in which Michael Dukakis said, "if we can't beat George Bush, we should find another country?" Ha ha, big joke.
But now I'll go out on another limb and join those who see the writing on the wall for Tom DeLay. He'll be indicted, or all those pesticides he used to spew will turn him into a