George Allen goes (Ma) Ca Ca**Updated Again!**
If like me, you can't get enough of George Allen, a couple of good links to chew on (like a good ham sandwich or pork chop). And last week's interview his mother gave to the Washington Post was pathetic:
When I told Georgie, I said, 'Now you don't love me anymore.' He said, 'Mom, I respect you more than ever.' "
And confirming suspicions that Richard Nixon's favorite coach might not have been the most tolerant of souls:
"He didn't want me to tell his mother," she said of the elder George Allen. "At that time, that was a no-no, to marry outside the church."
But Etty Allen does confirm part of my theory advanced below, that she doesn't go around referring to dark-skinned humans as "macaca."
Etty Allen said Wednesday that she had never used the word "macaca" before and had to go to a dictionary to look it up when she heard of the controversy. She said the word did not exist in her dictionary.
"I swear to you, I have never used that word," she said. "I must have used a lot of bad words, but not that word."
I believe her. As noted below, I believe her son George was simply, and typically D-R-U-N-K. He was babbling like Jerry Lewis doing his idiot boy routine and "macaca" came out. Usually Allen is in better control, but what with that and this new Jewish conspiracy he's railing against, he must be hitting the sauce even earlier in the day.
More from the madman of Richmond in the press today. George Allen is finally apologizing to the young man he was caught babbling to last week. But it doesn't matter. I said it below and I'll say it again, only more clearly this time: the man is a drunk. He was famous as Governor for showing up drunk. He was drunk when his brain failed to tell his mouth to speak intelligibly. He seems to have a problem with that sort of thing. No one seems to be willing to say this out loud, but that's what blogs are for, innit?
The kerfuffle over Virginia Senator, former Governor and future candidate for president George Allen's "racial" remarks yesterday, while extensively covered here in the Times, the Post, and everywhere else, misses the pint, I mean point.
No matter what the dictionary says, I am sure that neither George Allen nor for that matter, anyone else on the planet,uses the word "macaca" in conversation, whether in polite company or when out drinking with Mel Gibson. Nor was anyone refering to the young man's haircut, although I love the image conveyed in the Times' story of Allen's PR machinery working overtime to come up with a credible lie:
The senator’s communications director, John Reid, said in an interview Tuesday that Allen campaign workers had good-naturedly nicknamed Mr. Sidarth “Mohawk” because he would not disclose his name and the sobriquet seemed appropriate for Mr. Sidarth’s hairstyle.
Perhaps, Mr. Reid suggested, “Mohawk” morphed into “macaca,” with results that turned out to be regrettable.
Perhaps. But perhaps the boss was just out of his head again. He gets like that. Mean too, like Nixon (and George W. Bush, who stayed mean even after he quit drinking). Usually Allen does a better job acting normal--Webb must have him wattled, I mean rattled...
Check, please!