What's Wrong with Tim Russert
I recently heard about the section on the Huffington Post devoted to tirades against Tim Russert. I don't feel like wading through it all to find this out, but wonder if they've commented on my previously mentioned Gripe #1 about "Little Russ." (I did see this post about the New York Times Sunday Magazine's snarky Q&A about Tim's apparent professional neglect of his mother) (Is anyone actually reading the "'Funny" pages anyway?)
So here's my beef: Russert is addicted to the news clip. Whether it's a printed quote from long ago or video of a guest taking a contrary view on an earlier interview, Tim seems to feel his job is to play "gotcha" with his guests. On Russert's Meet the Press, the most important job is researcher.
Having said that, I wish I had seen the segment of MTP a few weeks ago with Steve Bridges, the comedian who played George W. Bush's doppelganger at the Correspondent's Dinner. (And thanks to the Internet, now I can!) I only heard it on C-Span radio, and it wasn't the same. Bridges does other political impressions too, including a dead-on Bill Clinton, which he did in his Bush get-up. Oooooo, scary stuff!
(Speaking of which, I've been asked by one of my 13.9 readers why I failed to comment on Stephen Colbert's performance at the annual Correpsondents embarrassing lovefest. All a I know is that the same story comes out practically every year about how the host's performance fell flat. I suppose it depends on where you sit, in the cheap seats, I'm told, Colbert was boffo, up in lobbyist la-la land, the audience was more hostile.)
And speaking of the Clinton family, my rant last week against Markos (Daily Kos) Moulitsas was picked up by the Columbia Journalism Review's CJRDaily, and a reader named CliffsVoice left this comment:
Next, there’s HeadlineUpdate blog which I found harder place. I looked around the site and it seems (I’m guessing now) that the author is a centrist Democrat –– that is to say a New Democrat in the Clinton-Triangulation mode. In any case, HeadlineUpdate blog is Not Left.
Hey comrade, I used to do direct mail for the Christic Institute and this week I worked on an ad from Cindy Sheehan!
The hate mail I got after teasing Elvis fans about the sanctity of Graceland was even better..