Me and Kinky Friedman
I've been a fan of the Kinkster since his days as a touring partner of Bob Dylan, witty singer songwriter and with his band, the Texas Jewboys, performer of such classics as "They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore" and "I'm an Asshole from El Paso." He skyrocketed to success in 1984 with the first of his comic mysteries starring himself, his friends, and a thinly drawn plot. I've borrowed this formula for my novel in progress, Murder in the Propaganda Factory, in which every word is true, except for the parts that aren't.
Now, of course, Kinky Friedman is running for Governor of Texas in a four way race that, as Dan Rather would say, is tighter than a tick on a jackrabbit..or something like that Read all about Kinky's campaign here as he runs for the office once held by George W. Bush. As Kinky likes to observe, if he could do it, how hard can it be?
It's not that hard to see Kinky running for the office that our President once held.
Consider Kinky's party affiliation. Kinky has run for office in the past as a Republican and he voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004.
Here is an excerpt from Kinky's interview with Ruminator magazine confirms that he supported Bush's Middle East foreign policy:
Question: So does this idea of the honorable cowboy have anything to do with why you threw your support behind President Bush in this last election? You did, didn’t you?
Kinky: Yes. I did in this last election, but I didn’t vote for him the first time.
Question: Who did you vote for in 2000?
Kinky: I voted for Gore then. I was conflicted. . .but I was not for Bush that time. Since then, though, we’ve become friends. And that’s what’s changed things.
Question: So it’s your friendship with him that’s changed your mind about having him as president more than his specific political positions?
Kinky: Well, actually, I agree with most of his political positions overseas, his foreign policy. On domestic issues, I’m more in line with the Democrats. I basically think he played a poor hand well after September 11. What he’s been doing in the Near East and in the Middle East, he’s handling that well, I think.
Now maybe you are like me and you were worried that Kinky showed liberal tendencies by voting for a tree-hugger like Al Gore. Well, rest assured that Kinky was mistaken when he said that. Kinky's public voting records confirm he didn't vote for Al Gore in 2000 because Kinky didn't waste his vote on any candidate from 1994 to 2004 when he voted for Bush/Cheney. (
Next, watch this video clip ( It is hilarious, it is true, and it is politically incorrect as hell. Most politicians are too politically correct to admit the truth that "negro is a charming word." I bet our President is funny like that in person!
Posted by: Kinky is Awesome | Tuesday, 18 July 2024 at 03:53 PM