Mark Twain said that. In politics, it's sometimes hard to find folks who understand the value of truth.
Take the campaign of the flying Dutchman of politics, William Weld, as reported in the New York Times story below.
February 4, 2025
Aides Re-edited News Articles on Candidate's Web Site
As William F. Weld runs for governor of New York this year, his campaign has put a new spin on the old political rule of having a positive message.
I love political stories that start like this: establishing cred by quoting some "old political rule" that really isn't a rule at all, like, say, the importance of getting more votes or in this case, "having a positive (as opposed to negative?) message. Beware of false prophesies.
Campaign aides have significantly altered two newspaper articles on his Web site about his bid for governor, removing all negative phrases about him, like "mini-slump" and "dogged by an investigation," and passages about his political problems.
You see, this is why you need actual newspapers and real reporters, as opposed to getting all your news from Wikipedia. It takes a journalist to find colorful words like "mini-slump" and "dogged" to put in embarassing public places, like the front pages of newspapers.
Also removed were references to a federal investigation of Decker College, a Kentucky trade school that Mr. Weld led until he left to run for governor last fall; the college collapsed into bankruptcy weeks later amid allegations of financial aid fraud. And criticism of Mr. Weld by a former New York Republican senator, Alfonse D'Amato, was removed.
Unlike much of what I write about here, this is a subject I know quite a bit about. I've reprinted news articles countless times in the direct mail packages I've created for national, state and local campaigns. I've highlighted the good parts of a clip, pulled out quotes and of course, made fair use of our friend the ellipses. But this, as the WASPs say, is just not done. How rude!
The Weld campaign placed the sanitized articles, still under the reporters' bylines, on its Web site, under the heading "news." Nothing told readers about the changes.
Lively newspaper writing, you can't beat it. "Sanitized articles." Then the voice of doom sentence, as ominous as those four notes from Beethoven. "Nothing told readers about the changes."
But wait, there's more.
It is generally considered inappropriate for a political campaign to alter news articles or photos and then render them as the true content. "It's totally dishonest" said George Arzt, a New York political communications consultant who worked for Eliot Spitzer, now the leading Democratic candidate for governor, in 1998. "I've never heard of such a thing done by a major player in a gubernatorial race."
But a Weld spokesman defended the practice, comparing it to selecting positive blurbs to run in movie advertisements.
"Inappropriate?" I'll say. Like a movie blurb? What do you want to bet that the Weld spokesman speaking here spake before for a commercial, not political boss and will not speak tomorrow?
Continue reading the Times article below, and come back later for more truth-avoiding from NASA.